Tuesday, April 28, 2009

File And Folder Related Operation In C#.

 public ReplaceFile(string NewValue){

//  var path = "C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/Visual Studio 2008/Projects/RajanTest1/RajanTest1/Content/ReplaceTest.css";

//  var path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HostName"]+"/Content/ReplaceTest.css";

            var path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString() + "Content/ReplaceTest.css";


                FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);

                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);





                //File.Move(path,"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\RajanTest1\\RajanTest1\\Content\\edit_area\\search_replace.js");


            catch (Exception ee){

                string temp = ee.Message;






      static public string[] GetAllFileNames(string baseDir)



            // Store results in the file results list.


            List<string> fileResults = new List<string>();



            // Store a stack of our directories.


            Stack<string> directoryStack = new Stack<string>();




            // While there are directories to process


            while (directoryStack.Count > 0)


                string currentDir = directoryStack.Pop();



// Add all files at this directory.


                foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(currentDir, "*.*"))






                // Add all directories at this directory.


                foreach (string directoryName in Directory.GetDirectories(currentDir))





            return fileResults.ToArray();





      public string FunctionNAme()


            //Can Get List Of Directory And Also Files

            List<string> fname = new List<string>();

            // DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString() + "Views");

                DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo("c:\\MyFolder");

            DirectoryInfo[] dirInfo = di.GetDirectories();

            foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dirInfo)



                DirectoryInfo di1 = new DirectoryInfo(dir.FullName);

                FileInfo[] rgFiles = di1.GetFiles("*.*");//Get All Files Name In Folder

                fname.Add(dir.Name); //Add List Of Folder Name




            //this will Get path of All Files in specified Path/Folder and also Sub-Folder

            string[] ara = GetAllFileNames("c:\\MyFolder");


 // this is to get/read  Content  of File

//var path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString() + "Views/Home/About.aspx";

                  var path="c:\\Myfolder\\Myfile.cs"



                string fileout = string.Empty;

                FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);

                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs);

                fileout = sr.ReadToEnd();



                        return fileout;


            catch (Exception ee)


                string temp = ee.Message;







//copy files and folders Recursively from sorce to destination

             private void CopyFilesRecursively(DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo target)


        foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in source.GetDirectories())

            CopyFilesRecursively(dir, target.CreateSubdirectory(dir.Name));

        foreach (FileInfo file in source.GetFiles())

            file.CopyTo(Path.Combine(target.FullName, file.Name)).IsReadOnly = false;





//Method to delete all files in the folder and subfolders

    private void ClearFolder(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo)


        foreach (FileInfo file in directoryInfo.GetFiles())


            file.IsReadOnly = false;



        foreach (DirectoryInfo subfolder in directoryInfo.GetDirectories())





static public string[] GetAllDirNames(string baseDir)

        {    //

            // Store results in the directory results list.


            List<string> fileResults = new List<string>(); 


            // Store a stack of our directories.


            Stack<string> directoryStack = new Stack<string>();



            // While there are directories to process


            while (directoryStack.Count > 0)


                string currentDir = directoryStack.Pop(); 


                // Add all directories at this directory.


                foreach (string directoryName in      Directory.GetDirectories(currentDir))






            return fileResults.ToArray();


Friday, April 24, 2009

Develop And Embed Widget In Site Using MVC.

1. Create .aspx for particular module/component without master page and without body tag.


For example:-  

2. In Controller-


For example:- 




        public ActionResult EmbedWidget()


            return View("NewWidget");



3. This is example code, can have your own code of component that you want to create in your Widget.


4. JavaScript and CSS for this widget must be embedded in same widget page in this case NewWidget.aspx.


5. Once widget is created by above method in any of your site, can use this widget/component in any other site or in same site.


6. Where you want to add this widget in page, just insert "object" tag or "iframe" tag which is comfortable for your page.


For example:-

7. Height and Width of "object" or "iframe" need to set as per your widget/object size.


8. Site that contain widget, in this case microsite.newton.com need to be in running state.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

JQuery Help

jQuery('div.panel') :-  All divs with class=“panel”

jQuery('p#intro'):-     The paragraph with id=“intro”

jQuery('div#content a:visible'):-    All visible links inside the div with id=“content”

jQuery('input[@name=email]'):-    All input fields with name=“email”

jQuery('table.orders tr:odd'):-   “odd” numbered rows in a table with class “orders”

jQuery('a[@href^="http://"]'):-  All external links (links that start with http://)

jQuery('p[a]'):-    All paragraphs that contain one or more links



Set the width of div id=“primary” to 300 px.

jQuery('p').css('line-height', '1.8em');

Apply a line-height of 1.8em to all paragraphs.

jQuery('li:odd').css({color: 'white', backgroundColor: 'black'});

Apply two CSS rules to every other list item; note that the css() function can take an object instead of two strings.

jQuery('a[@href^="http://"]').addClass('external').attr('target', '_blank');

Add a class of “external” to all external links (those beginning with http://), then add target=“_blank” for good measure. This makes use of chaining, described below.

jQuery('blockquote').each(function(el) { alert(jQuery(this).text()) });

Iterate over every blockquote on the page, and alert its textual content (excluding HTML tags).

jQuery('a').html('Click here!');

Replace all link text on the page with the insidious “Click here!”.

Here are some examples of methods that read values from the first matched element:

var width = jQuery('div').width();

How wide is the first div on the page?

var src = jQuery('img').attr('src');

What’s the src attribute of the first image on the page?

var color = jQuery('h1').css('color');

What colour is the first h1?



Returns divs that do not have an id attribute.


Returns all elements that are direct parents of an h2.


Returns all elements that are children of a blockquote.


Find the fifth paragraph on the page, then find the next element (its direct sibling to the right).


Find the form parent of the first input type=“text” field on the page. The optional argument to parents() is another selector.



    // hide all the labels inside the form with the 'optional' class


    // add a red border to any password fields in the form

    .find('input:password').css('border', '1px solid red').end()

    // add a submit handler to the form


        return confirm('Are you sure you want to submit?');


var div = jQuery('Some text');

You can use chaining to add attributes to the div once it has been created:

var div = jQuery('Some text').addClass('inserted').attr('id', 'foo');

Now append it to the body tag:


Or prepend it to a known location using a selector:




jQuery('p').click(function() { jQuery(this).css('background-color', 'red'); });

Set up paragraphs so that when you click them they turn red.


Send a fake “click” to the first paragraph on the page.

A couple of event related functions deserve a special mention:

jQuery('a').hover(function() {

    jQuery(this).css('background-color', 'orange');

}, function() {

    jQuery(this).css('background-color', 'white');


hover() is a shortcut for setting up two functions that run onmouseover and onmouseout.

jQuery('p').one('click', function() { alert(jQuery(this).html()); });


jQuery(document).bind('stuffHappened', function(event, msg) {

    alert('stuff happened: ' + msg);


jQuery(document).trigger('stuffHappened', ['Hello!']);


jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    alert('The DOM is ready!');


Even better, you can shortcut the above by passing your function directly to jQuery():

jQuery(function() {

    alert('The DOM is ready!');




This performs a GET request against /some/fragment.html and populates div#intro with the returned HTML fragment.


jQuery.get('/some/script.php', {'name': 'Simon'}, function(data) {

    alert('The server said: ' + data);

}); // GET against /some/script.php?name=Simon


jQuery.post('/some/script.php', {'name': 'Simon'}, function(data) {

    alert('The server said: ' + data);

}); // POST to /some/script.php


jQuery.getJSON('/some.json', function(json) {

    alert('JSON rocks: ' + json.foo + ' ' + json.bar);

}); // Retrieves and parses /some.json as JSON


jQuery.getScript('/script.js'); // GET and eval() /script.js



jQuery.get( url, [data], [callback], [type] )

url String

The URL of the page to load.

data (Optional) Map

Key/value pairs that will be sent to the server.

callback (Optional) Function

A function to be executed whenever the data is loaded successfully.

function (data, textStatus) {   // data could be xmlDoc, jsonObj, html, text, etc...   this; // the options for this ajax request

type (Optional) String

Type of data to be returned to callback function: "xml", "html", "script", "json", "jsonp", or "text".



$('#external_links a').click(function() {

    return confirm('You are going to visit: ' + this.href);


$(window).load(function() {

    // run this when the whole page has been downloaded


Animate your HTML

$('#grow').animate({ height: 500, width: 500 }, "slow", function(){

    alert('The element is done growing!');

